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Our story.

Driving change towards a mentally healthy society for all

Since 2018, Green Ribbons has been a reliable source of mental health information, support, and hope.

We are one of Africa’s most well-known, trusted, and visited mental health organisation. We never take this for granted. With it comes a deep responsibility to listen, to understand young people’s needs and aspirations, and to ensure that they are at the heart of everything we do.

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Our approach

Community, Research, Engagement & Advocacy

We take a public mental health approach to prevention, finding solutions for individuals, those at risk and for society, in order to improve everyone’s mental wellbeing.

  1. Each year, we give advice to thousands of young people on mental health. We are most well known for our Stories on Depression campaign.

We research, test and evaluate the best approaches to improving mental health in online and grassroots communities and then roll them out as widely as possible. 

We publish personal stories, guides and reports on mental health and the causes of poor mental health and how to tackle them.

We can’t do what we do without your help.