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Alcohol and Mental Health


Alcohol and Mental Health
Alcohol and Mental Health

Alcohol has been an important part of our society and culture for many centuries. Across the country, people of all ages drink various amounts of alcohol daily. In fact, according to a survey done by CNN back in 2013, Titled ‘World’s 10 best-drinking nations’, Uganda ranked 8th globally ahead of Germany and Australia at positions 9 and 10, respectively. Some.. Read more

Seven Life Lessons from “The Pursuit of Happyness” Movie
Seven Life Lessons from “The Pursuit of Happyness” Movie

The Pursuit of Happyness is one of my favorite movies ever, and this is certainly a movie you do not want to miss. It is based on the story of Chris Gardner, a man who loses everything, but eventually gets everything. In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, he is a hard-working, caring and loving father, who struggles financially to provide.. Read more

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