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Stories on Depression: My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts

Stories on depression

Stories on Depression: My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts
Stories on Depression: My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts

“People don’t die of suicide, the pain keeps piling day by day, bitterness and unworthiness fills our hearts, agony is all we have left and getting rid of that sadness is quite the best option.” For me, September is the month where the fears of the past keep haunting me however much I loathe to recall nor talk about it because.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Why “You Are Loved” & “Please Reach Out” Are Crappy Things to Post After Someone Has Died by Suicide
Stories on Depression: Why “You Are Loved” & “Please Reach Out” Are Crappy Things to Post After Someone Has Died by Suicide

There’s a lot of well-meaning people out there posting in response to recent reports on suicide deaths. We are easily devastated in our culture when popular, well-loved, well-known folks choose to remove themselves from the planet. It’s OK to be hurt, sad and angry. I feel it, too. I’ve been able to tell, sort of, who in my feeds has not experienced depression, suicide ideation,.. Read more

Stories on Depression: My Journey Through Unemployment, Rejection Emails, and Fake Social Media Support
Stories on Depression: My Journey Through Unemployment, Rejection Emails, and Fake Social Media Support

Let me get this off my chest; I am very depressed to the extent that I am now contemplating euthanasia since suicide may turn out to be painful.  What started as a few days of waiting for my job and seed funding applications to be answered has turned to weeks and months of untold misery. Just to make it clear, I am.. Read more

Stories on Depression: How Post-University Depression Crept In On Me
Stories on Depression: How Post-University Depression Crept In On Me

“For me, leaving university was a bittersweet experience”, an anonymous young person, who graduated last year, explains. “It very quickly went from being celebrated and recognized [for my achievements], to being thrown into a large pot of pressures. I traded the hostel peace, lectures, and a big circle of friends in for something far more daunting: adulthood and the unknown.” But often.. Read more

Stories on Depression: The Ugandan Middle-Class Crisis
Stories on Depression: The Ugandan Middle-Class Crisis

I’m seated on a wooden bench under a tree shade deep in the heart of a national reserve watching a herd of elephants grazing peacefully below, oblivious of the chaotic world out there. Faced with the biggest dilemma of my life, I travelled down to this remote camping site in the south to strategize on my next step. The decision.. Read more

Stories on Depression: I Dated A Depressed Person And Nearly Lost Myself
Stories on Depression: I Dated A Depressed Person And Nearly Lost Myself

Almost all of us experience depression at some point. Maybe work sucks; maybe you’re watching all your friends get married while your own dating life is a nightmare; maybe you’re so stressed at school that nothing feels right. No matter the cause, the end result was that you felt hopeless. But eventually, you dealt with it in whatever way made.. Read more

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