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Stories on Depression: Remember to Always Check On Your Friends

Stories on Depression: Remember to Always Check On Your Friends

Stories on Depression: Remember to Always Check On Your Friends

Around August 2018, I challenged myself to write and publish an article a day for 100 days straight. When I set out to start jotting down what I went through as a young depressed person battling society reforms as a mechanism of filling a void that had been missing in me for a while.

Believe me, when I say, I had tonnes of issues going on in my life (I have since deleted most blog posts because I recovered fully) and while I hopped for very many things to work out, all wasn’t well. Not because I was unemployed and single, no, I was extremely depressed.

Somehow I had the money I needed to live a happy fruitful life but for some reason, I never found joy within me. I often ended up sad, lonely and alone. This state of depression further drifted me far away from my friends, many of whom, didn’t care to ask if I was fine.

I won’t deny for I think I’m partly to blame, while around them, I faked being fine, I made the most jokes, took the most beer, suggested most of the parties and did seem to be having a good time. None of my friends suspected anything about my depression, you can say I was probably too good at faking happiness.

I was angry at the world, I lost trust in my colleagues and as I continued down this rabbit hole, I became more depressed, angry and sad. My work rate drastically deteriorated, I had a lot going on in my mind and every when I wrote a note, I felt a little relief.

So I set out to write whatever crossed my big head.

Anyway, not to bore you with whatever I was going through, I know for sure you too have a lot to deal with.

Every when I found myself in tight corners, I wondered just how many people like me are dealing with the same. The many that couldn’t listen to their inner voice to help them stay strong. I’m talking, people that lost it to depression, the people whose lives were torn apart; friends, and relatives.

Whereas there are millions of young people like me out there grappling with unemployment, a lousy education system, a fraudulent system of governance, immoral peer and societal pressures, life can sometimes seem to get overwhelming.

I know people that have lost everything. From job applications being rejected day-in-day-out, their loved ones walking out on them, to even failing at raising their rent. They’ve lost hope to the point of vulnerability, they’ve given up on living and trying in this cold world, fate is all that stands them between their death and tomorrow.

But hey, you can always make it right for someone out there. Make it a point to always check on your friends. Whether they may seem okay, randomly ask “Dude, are you okay though? Been a while. Olidde?

Sounds cheesy, right? But trust me, even if you’re broke and the only thing you can offer them is food for thought, talk to them. Try to see life in their shoes, be there to listen and relate. Also, don’t be the-annoying over-advising guy, sometimes we just need someone to listen to us and not advise us. Funny but, at times all someone really needs to be told is to “Hang in there” or “Everything will be kawa” and that’s it.

Invite your friends out for pizza, a snack, or simply buy them a beer and have a casual conversation about life. You may not be able to help each and everyone but maybe all someone needs to know is that there’s that one person they can talk to and laugh with. Also don’t just buy your friends beer, toss some jobs or opportunities their way too. Okitegeera?

Anyway guys, check on your friends, don’t assume they’re okay, ask them, check on their state of mind. Look at the meaning behind their cryptic status updates and ask if everything is fine. People out there are suffering from different issues, it could be unemployment, divorce, death of a close relative, check on your people!

By Pius Enywaru

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