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Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Today, I have decided to dump; not a girl, but papers. Yeah, academic certificates and the likes. I have been forced to follow a different path in life-a path I never thought I could one day follow. You see, tomorrow I am going to buy a new camera and microphone with the few coins I still got; a camera that will help me create content for YouTube and other social networks. I am sorry LORD to); I swear I tried; I tried to pass exams; I tried to apply for internships; I tried to apply for jobs in WhatsApp groups, Linkedin recommendations, referrals. etc. After six months, I couldn’t put up with bills in the towns of ‘endless opportunities’ and therefore relocated to Nyeri to plough that hard earth again. Now, almost two years have passed since finishing up my ‘almighty degree that unlocks everything in life’ from that world class university committed to scholarly excellence.

Good LORD! I did all they asked me to do! I have many questions though, do academic qualifications in the country called Kenya matter? I highly doubt. I have learnt this firsthand. The promise of education in our country is a FALSE NARRATIVE, or maybe somebody changed the locks too. Good grief! I am not even the only Kenyan graduate bearing the same story-the story of jobs rejection, and feeling like I should have done something different with my life instead of trying to ace academic papers. Sorry siblings! Just in case you are curious or you are still in college, here’s my papers BUT I’LL DUMP THEM INTO THE BIN! Drop off school if you got an opportunity to make money (Sakanja dropped and is now a governor). It only works if your parent got connections, folks.

If only I knew what I know today, I could have started what I am starting tomorrow when I was joining college, or maybe could have forfeited the college education altogether. fo

(Please subscribe to my YouTube channel albeit there ain’t no content there; my new journey as a content creator kicks off in a few days. Maybe it was not supposed to be BOTTOM-UP but UP-BOTTOM-UP philosophy.) God bless!

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