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Stories on Depression: The Depression In My Bed

Tag: Anxiety

Stories on Depression: The Depression In My Bed
Stories on Depression: The Depression In My Bed

Which came first, the depression in my bed or the depression in my head? I asked myself this one day as I finally laid my bed in the morning and looked at the sunken spot on my mattress that I had been unable to get out of for a few weeks. I had sunk so deep that I could barely.. Read more

Introvert, shyness, and social anxiety: what’s the difference?
Introvert, shyness, and social anxiety: what’s the difference?

Introversion, shyness, and social anxiety are commonly used interchangeably. Even I’ve made the mistake of confusing them in the past.

21 ways to explain anxiety to someone who has never had anxiety
21 ways to explain anxiety to someone who has never had anxiety

Everyone with anxiety has had at least one disappointing conversation in which it’s clear the other person thinks you can “just stop worrying about it”.

How to explain anxiety to someone who doesn’t have it
How to explain anxiety to someone who doesn’t have it

Explaining your anxiety to someone who understand it can be difficult and challenging. I think the best way to illustrate anxiety is with examples.

Stories on Depression: Talking is hard enough, being judged makes it harder
Stories on Depression: Talking is hard enough, being judged makes it harder

Depression can be a face of someone who is smiling, telling jokes and happy, which I am quite often. I have a family, a job and I am alive so why would I be depressed? It’s hard to talk to people when you don’t know what reaction you will get. In the past, I’ve found out that people were talking.. Read more

Alcohol and Mental Health
Alcohol and Mental Health

Alcohol has been an important part of our society and culture for many centuries. Across the country, people of all ages drink various amounts of alcohol daily. In fact, according to a survey done by CNN back in 2013, Titled ‘World’s 10 best-drinking nations’, Uganda ranked 8th globally ahead of Germany and Australia at positions 9 and 10, respectively. Some.. Read more

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