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Stories on Depression: Words Can Be Powerful, So Make Sure to Use Them Right

Tag: Anxiety

Stories on Depression: Words Can Be Powerful, So Make Sure to Use Them Right
Stories on Depression: Words Can Be Powerful, So Make Sure to Use Them Right

When I was in my first year of high school, I noticed that my classmates were very more different than me, I first didn’t mind that. I just tried to get good grades and try to make friends. And I made a few, but it was like I was just a “friend” not a best friend or close friend to.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Check Up on Those Quiet People Who Check Up on You
Stories on Depression: Check Up on Those Quiet People Who Check Up on You

Depression is debilitating. Some people understand it, some think it’s an attention call. For me, depression is like that pile of laundry that you don’t want to show in your Instagram pictures. I never want to show my pile of laundry to the world, I want my life to seem happy and put together as if I folded and put away all my.. Read more

Stories on Depression: I Don’t Need You to Tell Me to ‘Stop Worrying’. I Will Always Worry
Stories on Depression: I Don’t Need You to Tell Me to ‘Stop Worrying’. I Will Always Worry

Ah depression and anxiety, my two controversial friends that have placed me in a non-consensual three-way relationship which is often very difficult to deal with. I can wake up some days and feel like I’m ready to take on anything. But on one side of the bed, I’ll have my anxiety badgering me about the million and one things that will go wrong.. Read more

Stories on Depression: My Family Didn’t Believe I Was Struggling With My Mental Health
Stories on Depression: My Family Didn’t Believe I Was Struggling With My Mental Health

For a long while, I’ve been having issues with mental health. I remember asking my mum one day years ago if hearing and seeing things was normal and her response still sticks with me. “You’re too young and don’t know what REAL mental health problems are.” At the time I was incredibly depressed, anxious and scared of myself and what.. Read more

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