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Stories on Depression: Why “You Are Loved” & “Please Reach Out” Are Crappy Things to Post After Someone Has Died by Suicide

Tag: Crappy Things to Not Post

Stories on Depression: Why “You Are Loved” & “Please Reach Out” Are Crappy Things to Post After Someone Has Died by Suicide
Stories on Depression: Why “You Are Loved” & “Please Reach Out” Are Crappy Things to Post After Someone Has Died by Suicide

There’s a lot of well-meaning people out there posting in response to recent reports on suicide deaths. We are easily devastated in our culture when popular, well-loved, well-known folks choose to remove themselves from the planet. It’s OK to be hurt, sad and angry. I feel it, too. I’ve been able to tell, sort of, who in my feeds has not experienced depression, suicide ideation,.. Read more

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