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Stories on Depression: The Depression In My Bed

Tag: Depression

Stories on Depression: The Depression In My Bed
Stories on Depression: The Depression In My Bed

Which came first, the depression in my bed or the depression in my head? I asked myself this one day as I finally laid my bed in the morning and looked at the sunken spot on my mattress that I had been unable to get out of for a few weeks. I had sunk so deep that I could barely.. Read more

Stories on Depression: I am a Broken Child!
Stories on Depression: I am a Broken Child!

I’d love to sit here and write about roses and daisies and so much happiness in this world, but I can’t, because I haven’t had that (or that’s just how I’ve felt) for the most part of my life. I can’t say I haven’t had the basics in life because then I’d be lying. There hasn’t been a moment where.. Read more

Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?
Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Today, I have decided to dump; not a girl, but papers. Yeah, academic certificates and the likes. I have been forced to follow a different path in life-a path I never thought I could one day follow. You see, tomorrow I am going to buy a new camera and microphone with the few coins I still got; a camera that.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Remember to Always Check On Your Friends
Stories on Depression: Remember to Always Check On Your Friends

Around August 2018, I challenged myself to write and publish an article a day for 100 days straight. When I set out to start jotting down what I went through as a young depressed person battling society reforms as a mechanism of filling a void that had been missing in me for a while. Believe me, when I say, I.. Read more

Stories on Depression: My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts
Stories on Depression: My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts

“People don’t die of suicide, the pain keeps piling day by day, bitterness and unworthiness fills our hearts, agony is all we have left and getting rid of that sadness is quite the best option.” For me, September is the month where the fears of the past keep haunting me however much I loathe to recall nor talk about it because.. Read more

Life Lessons from “A Million Little Things”
Life Lessons from “A Million Little Things”

Depression is often difficult to see until the affected person seeks help. When it comes to ABC’s hit show “A Million Little Things,” a friend commits suicide and leaves a wake of confusion behind. The show has brought attention to the nature of suicidal depression. Those who are affected by suicidal depression sometimes present a pattern of not revealing their illness. Each.. Read more

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