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Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female

Tag: life lessons

Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female
Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female

Leaving university is a dream for many girls, especially around the third year. It’s like once you get there, you just can’t wait to be done and move on with life. Of course, your imagination is feeding you with all these perfections and telling you it is all going to be ok and smooth. When the university does eventually end,.. Read more

Life Lessons from “A Million Little Things”
Life Lessons from “A Million Little Things”

Depression is often difficult to see until the affected person seeks help. When it comes to ABC’s hit show “A Million Little Things,” a friend commits suicide and leaves a wake of confusion behind. The show has brought attention to the nature of suicidal depression. Those who are affected by suicidal depression sometimes present a pattern of not revealing their illness. Each.. Read more

13 Life Lessons Learned From ’13 Reasons Why’
13 Life Lessons Learned From ’13 Reasons Why’

“You can hear rumours, but you can’t know them.” In case you missed it, Netflix released “13 Reasons Why,” a series of thirteen episodes based on the book by Jay Asher. The Netflix series had long been awaited by those who read the book and was a quick addiction for everyone, even those who didn’t read the book. The story.. Read more

Seven Life Lessons from “The Pursuit of Happyness” Movie
Seven Life Lessons from “The Pursuit of Happyness” Movie

The Pursuit of Happyness is one of my favorite movies ever, and this is certainly a movie you do not want to miss. It is based on the story of Chris Gardner, a man who loses everything, but eventually gets everything. In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, he is a hard-working, caring and loving father, who struggles financially to provide.. Read more

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