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Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female

Tag: Post-University Depression

Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female
Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female

Leaving university is a dream for many girls, especially around the third year. It’s like once you get there, you just can’t wait to be done and move on with life. Of course, your imagination is feeding you with all these perfections and telling you it is all going to be ok and smooth. When the university does eventually end,.. Read more

Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?
Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Today, I have decided to dump; not a girl, but papers. Yeah, academic certificates and the likes. I have been forced to follow a different path in life-a path I never thought I could one day follow. You see, tomorrow I am going to buy a new camera and microphone with the few coins I still got; a camera that.. Read more

8 Things Nobody Tells You About Graduation And Depression
8 Things Nobody Tells You About Graduation And Depression

It’s the Home Alone sequel you never asked for. 1. Structure is a blessing. After you graduate, you realise all those lectures you skipped because you were too busy nursing a hangover were a goddamn gift. Aside from the whole “education” thing, university gave you structure. The loss of a timetable, coupled with depression, royally screwed me. I suddenly realised I had no.. Read more

Stories on Depression: How Post-University Depression Crept In On Me
Stories on Depression: How Post-University Depression Crept In On Me

“For me, leaving university was a bittersweet experience”, an anonymous young person, who graduated last year, explains. “It very quickly went from being celebrated and recognized [for my achievements], to being thrown into a large pot of pressures. I traded the hostel peace, lectures, and a big circle of friends in for something far more daunting: adulthood and the unknown.” But often.. Read more

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