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Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Tag: Support

Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?
Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Today, I have decided to dump; not a girl, but papers. Yeah, academic certificates and the likes. I have been forced to follow a different path in life-a path I never thought I could one day follow. You see, tomorrow I am going to buy a new camera and microphone with the few coins I still got; a camera that.. Read more

Stories on Depression: To Whoever Might See Me Cry in the Morning
Stories on Depression: To Whoever Might See Me Cry in the Morning

Dear whoever might see me cry in the morning, If you see me wake up and burst into tears out of the blue, don’t be quick to make assumptions and judge me. Please don’t freak out either. I’m not having a panic attack, my panic attacks don’t hit me like that. I wake up and very often my vision is immediately blurred.. Read more

How to Support Someone With a Mental Health Problem this Christmas
How to Support Someone With a Mental Health Problem this Christmas

For many, Christmas is an exciting celebration, but for the 1 in 4 people with a mental illness, it may be a time of sadness or worry. If you know someone struggling with a mental health problem, they may need a little extra support over the Christmas period. Those with mental health problems often have to put on a mask and.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Remember to Always Check On Your Friends
Stories on Depression: Remember to Always Check On Your Friends

Around August 2018, I challenged myself to write and publish an article a day for 100 days straight. When I set out to start jotting down what I went through as a young depressed person battling society reforms as a mechanism of filling a void that had been missing in me for a while. Believe me, when I say, I.. Read more

Learn the Signs of Suicide and How to ACT
Learn the Signs of Suicide and How to ACT

Suicide is fast rising into the leading cause of death for 18 to 25-year-olds, therefore, it is vitally important to know the signs and how to help someone who may be at risk of it. Research shows that most people who attempt suicide give some sort of clue before they make an attempt. Therefore, understanding the words and/or actions of someone considering.. Read more

Stories on Depression: My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts
Stories on Depression: My Struggle with Suicidal Thoughts

“People don’t die of suicide, the pain keeps piling day by day, bitterness and unworthiness fills our hearts, agony is all we have left and getting rid of that sadness is quite the best option.” For me, September is the month where the fears of the past keep haunting me however much I loathe to recall nor talk about it because.. Read more

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