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Life Lessons from “A Million Little Things”

Tag: Support

Life Lessons from “A Million Little Things”
Life Lessons from “A Million Little Things”

Depression is often difficult to see until the affected person seeks help. When it comes to ABC’s hit show “A Million Little Things,” a friend commits suicide and leaves a wake of confusion behind. The show has brought attention to the nature of suicidal depression. Those who are affected by suicidal depression sometimes present a pattern of not revealing their illness. Each.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Why “You Are Loved” & “Please Reach Out” Are Crappy Things to Post After Someone Has Died by Suicide
Stories on Depression: Why “You Are Loved” & “Please Reach Out” Are Crappy Things to Post After Someone Has Died by Suicide

There’s a lot of well-meaning people out there posting in response to recent reports on suicide deaths. We are easily devastated in our culture when popular, well-loved, well-known folks choose to remove themselves from the planet. It’s OK to be hurt, sad and angry. I feel it, too. I’ve been able to tell, sort of, who in my feeds has not experienced depression, suicide ideation,.. Read more

8 Things Nobody Tells You About Graduation And Depression
8 Things Nobody Tells You About Graduation And Depression

It’s the Home Alone sequel you never asked for. 1. Structure is a blessing. After you graduate, you realise all those lectures you skipped because you were too busy nursing a hangover were a goddamn gift. Aside from the whole “education” thing, university gave you structure. The loss of a timetable, coupled with depression, royally screwed me. I suddenly realised I had no.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Be Supportive, You Don’t Need to Understand My Depression
Stories on Depression: Be Supportive, You Don’t Need to Understand My Depression

I have been fighting depression for more than 10 years. Over a decade of late nights and toxic behavior and having to pretend the next day that nothing is wrong.  I never know how to explain depression to someone. It’s so different for everyone and comes in so many different forms. Some people describe their depression as a weight that.. Read more

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