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Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female

Tag: Unemployed

Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female
Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20+-Year-Old Female

Leaving university is a dream for many girls, especially around the third year. It’s like once you get there, you just can’t wait to be done and move on with life. Of course, your imagination is feeding you with all these perfections and telling you it is all going to be ok and smooth. When the university does eventually end,.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20 Year Old Male
Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20 Year Old Male

The most difficult age for any man should be between 24 and 29 years, the pressure to be something, to be someone is so immense. When you look around you everyone seems to be doing something for themselves, people seem to be living a life you only dream of. You have applied for jobs and the results have been more disappointing than.. Read more

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