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Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Tag: unemployment

Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?
Stories on Depression: What’s the point of getting a University degree?

Today, I have decided to dump; not a girl, but papers. Yeah, academic certificates and the likes. I have been forced to follow a different path in life-a path I never thought I could one day follow. You see, tomorrow I am going to buy a new camera and microphone with the few coins I still got; a camera that.. Read more

Stories on Depression: My Journey Through Unemployment, Rejection Emails, and Fake Social Media Support
Stories on Depression: My Journey Through Unemployment, Rejection Emails, and Fake Social Media Support

Let me get this off my chest; I am very depressed to the extent that I am now contemplating euthanasia since suicide may turn out to be painful.  What started as a few days of waiting for my job and seed funding applications to be answered has turned to weeks and months of untold misery. Just to make it clear, I am.. Read more

8 Things Nobody Tells You About Graduation And Depression
8 Things Nobody Tells You About Graduation And Depression

It’s the Home Alone sequel you never asked for. 1. Structure is a blessing. After you graduate, you realise all those lectures you skipped because you were too busy nursing a hangover were a goddamn gift. Aside from the whole “education” thing, university gave you structure. The loss of a timetable, coupled with depression, royally screwed me. I suddenly realised I had no.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Fighting January – the Most Depressing Stage of the Year
Stories on Depression: Fighting January – the Most Depressing Stage of the Year

There we were again, what seemed as the kickstart of the new year to many, it was yet again the dawn of another year of seemingly unending unemployment and depression. It was five years straight with no form of employment nor a response to my thirty-plus job applications. At this point, It had long sunk in that my life wasn’t getting any.. Read more

Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20 Year Old Male
Stories on Depression: Life as An Unemployed 20 Year Old Male

The most difficult age for any man should be between 24 and 29 years, the pressure to be something, to be someone is so immense. When you look around you everyone seems to be doing something for themselves, people seem to be living a life you only dream of. You have applied for jobs and the results have been more disappointing than.. Read more

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